
Discover why hundreds of local businesses and organizations have chosen Algonquin


The Work Placement System at Algonquin College is a web-based application that puts you and your organization in direct contact with qualified and motivated students from a variety of disciplines. Signing up for the Work Placement System connects you with hundreds of talented students in many disciplines, looking for opportunities to enhance their career through real workplace experience before graduation.

Hiring students can help your organization during busy periods, events and special projects, or when hiring a full-time employee would be impractical or cost-prohibitive. It’s a great way to increase your organization’s profile on campus and in the community, and you benefit from the new ideas and enthusiasm that students bring with them.

Login or sign up for an account today, and you can begin posting work placement opportunities in a matter of minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of jobs can I post to the Work Placement System?
What do I need to sign up for the Work Placement System?
How do I create a placement?
How long after I sign up can I post a placement?
Do I have to pay the students that perform the work placements?
How do I select students who apply to the placement?
Do I need to sign anything?
What do I need to do once the placement finishes?
How does the system track the hours that each student worked?